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Alle inntektene går direkte til Brothers, en ideell organisasjon registrert i Brønnøysundregisteret. 

La oss kjempe for menns helse, sammen

For nære og robuste vennskap er nødvendig for sunn mental og fysisk helse

We want you to be confident that your gifts are being used in the best way possible. All gifts will be used to promote our cause as an organization. Here are some of our expenses: Office rental, Research and resources, Web hosting, Preparation for seminars, workshops and events, Print, Advertising & Promotion, Staff, Savings (for future projects). Thank you again for choosing to partner with Brothers, a non-profit organization registered in Norway.

Brothers is the leading charity dedicated to empowering boys’ and men’s friendships. Our passion is to see men all over the globe discover all what a friendship is, and enjoy it to the full.

We offer inspiration and education through our sphere of influence, whether through our website, books, podcasts, social media – or our talks and presentations. Brothers focuses a lot on awareness, while challenging the stigma attached to the topic of boys’ and men’s friendships. We aim to alter any unhelpful cultural norms that discourage boys and men from creating deep, wholesome friendships.

Tap here to read more about Brothers, including our vision and mission statement.