
Learn more about our organization.



Brothers is a global not-for-profit organization dedicated to empowering men’s friendships. Our head office is in Oslo, Norway, but our vision reaches across the world. We exist to help men everywhere discover the depth and importance of authentic friendship.

Founded in 2017 by Kim Evensen, Brothers is on a mission to shape culture and challenge the way we think about male friendships. Too often, deep friendship is seen as something reserved for women—but men need it too. We believe in championing men and masculinity, celebrating the power of true connection, and showing how strong friendships impact men’s well-being and the people around them.

Through our work, we raise awareness, break stigmas, and equip men with the tools to build deeper, more meaningful relationships. We use our platform to inspire, educate, and empower—whether through social media, our website, books, podcasts, or live events. We also deliver talks, workshops, and mentoring on men’s friendships and related topics for schools, sports clubs, companies, and organizations worldwide.

We champion men and masculinity, uplifting the power of true connection and how it strengthens men’s health, resilience, and relationships—with family, friends, and society as a whole.

It’s time to change the narrative. Join us in reshaping the way the world sees male friendships.

How It All Began


“If we as men don’t decide what our friendships should look like, someone else will do it for us.”Kim Evensen

Brothers began with a simple but powerful question in 2015: Why do so many men struggle to express vulnerability and affection in their friendships? Kim Evensen saw firsthand how deep, meaningful friendships transformed his life—but also how difficult they could be to build as a man. He couldn’t stand by while generations of men missed out on true connection.

In 2017, Brothers was officially founded in Norway. From day one, Kim and a dedicated team worked relentlessly to challenge cultural norms, break stigmas, and empower men to build stronger, healthier friendships.

Today, Brothers exists to shape culture, redefine male friendships, and inspire men to embrace the power of real connection.

We’re not perfect, and we don’t pretend to be. But we believe that authentic friendship transforms lives, strengthens men, and impacts the world. That’s why we do what we do.

Our Mission Statement

To be a leading voice, globally, dedicated to empowering and strengthening boys’ and men’s friendships.Our passion is to see boys and men discover all what a friendship is, and enjoy it to the full.

Our Vision

We see a movement that empowers and inspires boys and men to create deep, long-lasting and purpose-filled friendships.

We see a movement that equips men all over the world to develop brotherhood built on authenticity and trust; adventure and integrity; loyalty and purpose.

We see a movement reminding boys and men that they, just like every other human being, are created for close friendships. And though every man is different, every man needs someone who fights for him, sharpens him and believes in him.

We see a movement with its powerful, and sometimes, countercultural message of brotherhood that reminds men what friendship, masculinity and love are really about.

We see a movement that normalises men’s desire for close friendship that is inherent when they are young but often lost as they grow older. We strive to equip men to discern and resist any damaging thought patterns and unhelpful cultural norms that may hinder them from developing deep relational connections throughout their whole life.

We see a movement working closely with people, organizations, media, businesses and educational systems – all around the world, in order to spread its message.

We see a trail-blazing movement being the pioneer and face of growing male friendship: its platform being a game-changer in men’s lives. A movement, that, through its impact, will benefit men, women, friendships, marriages, families and societies alike. A movement that will shape boys and men inevery sphere of life.

We see a movement that knows the value and the importance of men having strong, loving friendships in their lives. A movement with a powerful, loud and respected voice that will be the biggest advocate for male friendships across the globe.

Our Values
The values of our organisation are:

We desire to be known by our eagerness and enthusiasm; always willing to sacrifice time and energy for our cause.

We aspire to be open, real and honest in all that we do, with a clear understanding of our motivations.

We want everyone we encounter to feel valued and loved for who they are.

We take risks to overcome societal and cultural stereotypes; we challenge unhealthy cultural influences imposed on men and their friendships.

We accept the difficulty in front of us, and are determined to finish what we’ve started.

We acknowledge that we are not perfect, however, it is our responsibility to be trustworthy and ethical in all our actions.

Our Leadership and Board of Directors

Kim Evensen

Founder, main speaker, CEO, board member

Kim is the CEO and the Founder of Brothers. He has previously studied leadership for three years and is emerging as a subject matter expert on male friendship. He is also an author, and has published two books: The Real Bro Code (2020) and Brothers (2019)
Mari Kristin Haukås, Brothers
Mari Kristin Haukås

Administrative Coordinator

Meet Mari! She makes sure that things happen, and in the right order! If you’re considering booking Kim for an event, she’s probably the person you’ll be speaking to. She’s lovely!

Elias Pederstad


The guy Kim calls whenever he needs advice. Elias is generous with his time and encouragements. He is able to think clearly and look ahead when Kim is not!
Marcus Skadberg

Deputy Chairman

Say hello to Marcus, our deputy chairman! With strong leadership and a passion for men’s health and building brotherhood, he plays a key role in guiding Brothers forward.

Christopher Amenya

Board Member

Meet Christopher, the man behind Brothers’ finances! With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to our mission, he ensures we stay on track to make a real impact.

Elin K. Ryen

Senior Advisor for Funding & Strategy

Meet Elin, our amazing new team member! With extensive experience and a deep passion for helping boys and men build stronger, more meaningful relationships, she’s a fantastic addition to our mission.

Monthly donors & supporters

People who give of their time and finances to help see Brothers grow.

Our Board of Advisors

Will be published soon.

Friends of Brothers

Organizations and people we proudly partner with and/or support

Dr. Niobe Way

Niobe Way is Professor of Applied Psychology in the Department of Applied Psychology at New York University. Way is a nationally recognised leader in the field of adolescent development, and she has been studying the social and emotional development of girls and boys for over two decades. She’s the author of several books, including ‘Deep Secrets’ – a book on adolescent boys’ friendships.

Dr. Judy Chu

Affiliated Faculty member of the Program in Human Biology at Stanford University and author of ‘When Boys Become Boys’

Mark Greene

Senior Editor of The Good Men Project & Founder of Remaking Manhood

MensLine Australia

MensLine Australia is a telephone and online counselling service for men with emotional, family and relationship concerns. They’re there to help anyone living in Australia 24/7.


To encourage and empower males to expand their perspective of what “being a man” is all about through research, education and public discourse.

Ludo Gabriele

By Ludo Gabriele – a Healthy Masculinity Advocate



For gifting Brothers with $6000 USD. Thank you!


For granting Brothers $9000 USD to use for promo videos. Thank you!


For a generous donation of t-shirts. Thank you!


For 300 posters!