The Real Bro Code

The Essential Guide For Dudes On How To Be A Bro

Have you heard of the bro code before?

Have you heard of the bro code before?

And if there is any book every guy should own...’s this.

Written by the founder and CEO of the Brothers organization.

The leading organization dedicated to empowering boys' and men's friendships.

"I am 100% serious when I say I don’t want to put it down for a second!!"

- Luke (18)

Your bros are gonna thank you for it.

Cultural norms and roadblocks

The Real Bro Code consists of 44 short chapters – about different topics related to guys’ friendships. At the end of every chapter, the reader will be invited to answer some questions in order to reflect on their own friendship – and then invited to take action. See example below.

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Have you heard of the bro code before? Well, this is the real one.
And if there is any book every guy should own, it’s this.

The Real Bro Code is the essential guide for dudes on how to be a bro.
Is it rad? Yes. A game-changer? You bet. Is it gonna take your friendships with your bros to the next level? No doubt. Bro-goals for sure.

«Why on earth should I read a book on friendship?» you might ask yourself. Fair question. Here’s the answer: because your friendships are some of the most important relationships in your life, and they will without a doubt determine how your future is gonna look.

Most of you have never read a book on friendship before – maybe you feel like guys just shouldn’t need to. Well… Maybe it’s time to change that. Your friendships might be fine, but there’s always more. More depth, connection and adventure. Don’t settle for less. You and your bros deserve more.

The Real Bro Code is for the guy who wants to be the best bro he can possibly be. This practical book will give you solid insights and invite you to really reflect on your own friendships like you’ve never done before.

We all invest in what we care about. So with that in mind, when was the last time you invested time into learning and growing in friendship?

Get yourself a copy of The Real Bro Code today. It’s an easy book to read – and the only one of its kind.
Your bros are gonna thank you for it.

Kim Evensen (28) is the founder and CEO of the global Brothers organization. He was born in Norway, but he has lived a few years in Australia where he studied the topic leadership.

After he started Brothers, he has emerged as a subject matter expert on male friendships. He now consults internationally, providing research and lectures about the importance of male friendships and the positive effects arising from strong male relationships.

Thanks to all the ladies out there who believe in and support Brothers – and who really see the value of the guys in their lives having solid, deep friendships. Just like it’s important for girls to have girl friends, we believe it’s important for guys to have guy friends.

Reality is that a lot of guys won’t get hold of The Real Bro Code unless a woman in his life gets it for him. That’s why we invite you, as a woman, to get this book as a gift for your brother, boyfriend, husband, son, father, co-worker or friend. And you can of course get one for yourself too!